Journal Articles
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- Arnesen, Sveinung, Troy Broderstad, James Fishkin, Mikael Johannesson, and Alice Siu. “Knowledge and Support for AI in the Public Sector: A Deliberative Poll Experiment”, AI & SOCIETY.
- Fishkin, James, Valentin Bolotnyy, Joshua Lerner, Alice Siu, and Norman Bradburn. “Can Deliberation Have Lasting Effects?”. American Political Science Review, February 6, 2024.
- Traub, James. “Can We Deliberate, Please?”. Democracy, 2024.
- Gelauff, Lodewijk, Liubov Nikolenko, Sukolsak Sakshuwong, James Fishkin, Ashish Goel, Kamesh Munagala,, and Alice Siu. “Achieving Parity With Human Moderators”, The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence for Democracy and Governance.
- Sandefur, Justin, Nancy Birdsall, James Fishkin, and Mujobu Moyo. “Deliberative Democracy and the Resource Curse: A Nationwide Experiment in Tanzania”, World Politics, 74, no. 4 (October 29, 2022): 564-609.
- Dewa, Ozius, Donald Makoka, and Olalekan Ayo-Yusuf. “Measuring Community Flood Resilience and Associated Factors in Rural Malawi”, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 16, no. 1 (October 22, 2022).
- Dewa, Ozius, Donald Akoka, and Olalekan Ayo-Yusuf. “A Deliberative Rural Community Consultation to Assess Support for Flood Risk Management Policies to Strengthen Resilience in Malawi”, Water, 14, no. 6 (March 11, 2022): 874.
- Fishkin, James. “Deliberative Public Consultation via Deliberative Polling: Criteria and Methods”, Hastings Cent Rep., 51, no. 52 (December 14, 2021): S19-S24.
- Dewa, Ozius, Donald Makoka, and Olalekan Ayo-Yusuf. “Assessing Capacity and Implementation Status of the Disaster Risk Management Strategy for Health and Community Disaster Resilience in Malawi”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 12 (October 8, 2021): 673–688.
- Fishkin, James, Alice Siu, Larry Diamond, and Norman Bradburn. “Is Deliberation an Antidote to Extreme Partisan Polarization? Reflections on ‘America in One Room’”, American Political Science Review, 115, no. 4 (July 27, 2021): 1464-81.
- Mah, Daphne, Darren Cheung, Victor Lam, Alice Siu, Yasunori Sone, and Ka-yan Li. “Trust Gaps in Energy Transitions: Japan’s National Deliberative Poll After Fukushima”, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 39 (July 5, 2021): 249-69.
- Mayega, Roy, Nathan Tumuhamye, Grace Bua, Julius Ssentongo, Harriet Adong, Kathleen Giles, Stella Neema, Christine Muhumuza, William Bazeyo, James Fishkin, and Lynn Atuyambe. “‘Our Land Is Shrinking’: Concerns and Misconceptions Impeding Uptake of Climate Risk Mitigation Policies in Bududa and Butalejja Districts in Eastern Uganda”, Science Journal of Public Health, 9, no. 4 (June 9, 2021): 109-20.
- Luskin, Robert, Gaurav Sood, James Fishkin, and Kyu Hahn. “Deliberative Distortions? Homogenization, Polarization, and Domination in Small Group Discussions”, British Journal of Political Science, no. 2022 (March 27, 2021): 21.
- Chen, Kaiping. “How Deliberative Designs Empower citizens’ Voices: A Case Study on Ghana’s Deliberative Poll on Agriculture and the Environment”, Public Understanding of Science, 30, no. 2 (October 5, 2020): 179-95.
- Wang, Rui, James Fishkin, and Robert Luskin. “Does Deliberation Increase Public-Spiritedness?”, Social Science Quarterly, 101, no. 6 (September 18, 2020): 2163-82.
- Chirawurah, Dennis, Niagia Santuah, Alice Siu, Ayaga Bawah, Gordana Kranjac-Berisavljevic, and Kathleen Giles. “Deliberation for Development: Ghana’s First Deliberative Poll”, Journal of Public Deliberation, 15, no. 1 (April 23, 2019): Article 3.
- Warren, Mark. “Deliberative Polling and the Democratic Innovations Agenda”, The Good Society, 27 (2019): 165-70.
- Mansbridge, Jane. “Deliberative Polling Comes of Age”, The Good Society, 27 (2019): 118-29.
- Sintomer, Yves. “Deliberative Polls and the Systemic Democratization of Democracy”, The Good Society, 27 (2019): 155-64.
- Grönlund, Kimmo. “Overview and Context”, The Good Society, 27 (2019): 111-17.