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- Wang, R., Fishkin, J., & Luskin, R. (2020). Does Deliberation Increase Public-Spiritedness?. Social Science Quarterly, 101(6), 2163-2182.
- Fishkin, J. (2020). Democracy When the People Are Thinking : Revitalizing Our Politics Through Public Deliberation. Oxford University Press.
- Chirawurah, D., Santuah, N., Siu, A., Bawah, A., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G., & Giles, K. (2019). Deliberation for Development: Ghana’s First Deliberative Poll. Journal of Public Deliberation, 15(1), Article 3.
- Warren, M. (2019). Deliberative Polling and the Democratic Innovations Agenda. The Good Society, 27, 165-170.
- Mansbridge, J. (2019). Deliberative Polling Comes of Age. The Good Society, 27, 118-129.
- Sintomer, Y. . (2019). Deliberative Polls and the Systemic Democratization of Democracy. The Good Society, 27, 155-164.
- Grönlund, K. (2019). Overview and Context. The Good Society, 27, 111-117.
- Lessig, L. (2019). Rendering Sensible Salient. The Good Society, 27, 171-178.
- Levinson, S. (2019). James Fishkin’s Unconventional Challenge to Thinking about Elections and Representation. The Good Society, 27, 179-189.
- Fishkin, J. (2019). Response to Critics: Toward the Reform of Actually Existing Democracies . The Good Society, 27, 190-210.
- Lafont, C. (2019). Deliberative Democracy and the Problem of the Second Best. The Good Society, 27, 130-145.
- Chambers, S. (2019). Democracy in the Open. The Good Society, 27, 146-154.
- Mah, D., Lam, V., Siu, A., Ye, H., Ogata, S., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2018). Understanding undergraduate students’ perceptions of dynamic pricing policies: An exploratory study of two pilot deliberative pollings (DPs) in Guangzhou, China and Kyoto, Japan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 202, 160-173.
- Kim, N., Fishkin, J., & Luskin, R. (2018). Intergroup Contact in Deliberative Contexts: Evidence From Deliberative Polls. Journal of Communication, 68(6), 1029-1051.
- Fishkin, J. (2018). Random Assemblies for Lawmaking? Prospects and Limits. Politics & Society, 46(3), 359-379.
- Ingham, S., & Levin, I. (2018). Can Deliberative Minipublics Influence Public Opinion? Theory and Experimental Evidence. Political Research Quarterly, 71(3), 654-667.
- Fishkin, J. (2018, August 3). Yes, Ordinary Citizens Can Decide Complex Issues. The Wall Street Journal.
- Fishkin, J. (2018). Yes, Ordinary Citizens Can Decide Complex Issues The Wall Street Journal . The Wall Street Journal.
- Neema, S. ., Bua, G., Tuhebwe, D., Ssentongo, J. ., Tumuhamye, N. ., Mayega, R., Fishkin, J., Atuyambe, L. ., & Bazeyo, W. (2018). Community Perspective on Policy Options for Resettlement Management: A Case Study of Risk Reduction in Bududa, Eastern Uganda. Plos Currents, 10.
- Fishkin, J., & Zandanshatar, G. (2017, September 17). Deliberative Polling for Constitutional Change in Mongolia: An Unprecedented Experiment. Constitution Net.