Results of America in One Room: Democratic Reform
In June 2023, a national sample of registered voters in the U.S. met virtually for extensive deliberations about how to reform the U.S. political system. In this America in One Room project, a scientific sample selected by NORC at the University of Chicago discussed a host of issues on the Stanford Platform for Online Deliberation. Participants deliberated on issues impacting democracy in the U.S., including the electoral system, the presidential election system, voter access and election administration, campaign finance, Supreme Court reform, and civic education. They also posed questions to balanced panels of policy experts to further inform their discussions. Below please find a press release, the Executive Summary and tables with detailed findings.
Helena, NORC at the University of Chicago, and the Deliberative Democracy Lab at Stanford University organized this project with partial funding from Helena, Thiry-O’Leary Foundation, the Skoll Foundation, and Porticus.
- Can Deliberation Cure our Divisions about Democracy? - Boston Globe Opinion piece by James Fishkin and Larry Diamond (pdf version)
- Election Law Blog post by Ned Foley (pdf version)
- Can We Deliberate Please? - Democracy: A Journal of Ideas by James Traube (pdf version)
- A Recent Experiment Points to the Future of Democracy - The Roar by Shao Ming Lee and Siya Verma
Press Release
Executive Summary PDF
Briefing Materials
Detailed Results:
- Control Group (T2-T1) vs. Treatment Group (T2-T1), Weighted Results Overall
- Participants T1 vs. T2, Weighted Results Overall
- Participants T1 vs. T2, Weighted Results by Gender
- Participants T1 vs. T2, Weighted Results - Strong, Moderate, Leaners for Parties Combined
- Participants T1 vs. T2, Weighted Results - Independents and Leaners Combined
- Participants at T2, Event Evaluations
- Knowledge Questions
- Methods and Transparency Report
Follow Up Study:
Follow Up Study Summary
Treatment at T1 vs. T2 vs. T3 - Overall
Difference of Difference - Treatment vs. Control
Methods and Transparency Follow Up Report
Click below for more information about our previous America in One Room projects:
Photo Credit: David Beale of Unsplash