Tomorrow's Europe - The First EU-Wide Deliberative Poll

In October 2007, the first EU-wide, indeed the first transnational, Deliberative Poll® gathered a random sample of 362 citizens from all 27 EU member states to the European Parliament building in Brussels, where they spent a weekend deliberating about a variety of social, economic, and foreign policy issues affecting the European Union and its member states. The deliberation, in a total of 23 languages, with simultaneous translation, alternated between small group discussion led by trained moderators and plenary question-and-answer sessions with leading policy experts and prominent politicians.
The issues deliberated included what the EU should do to preserve its pension systems, what role it should play in the world, how it can remain competitive in an increasingly global economy, and what if anything it should do about admitting additional member states. The results shed light on deliberation’s effects on all these issues. They also shed light on the possibilities of creating a European public sphere and on deliberation’s effects on mutual respect across national boundaries.
Table of Contents:
BBC Newsnight segment on the EU deliberations “Europe in One Room” Documentary Film Research Results Procedures Sessions Press
BBC Newsnight segment on the EU deliberations
“Europe in One Room” Documentary Film
- Considered Opinions on Further EU Enlargement: Evidence from an EU-Wide Deliberative Poll
Robert C. Luskin, James S. Fishkin, Stephen Boucher and Henri Monceau
- Final Report: Tomorrow’s Europe, the first EU-wide Deliberative Poll
EU citizens accept need for pension reform, resist enlargement: First EU-wide Deliberative Poll reveals citizens’ considered preferences
- Europe Today: First-ever deliberative poll on Europe EUX.TV, The Europe Channel 10/18/2007
- ETB (Spain) News Report (in Spanish) ETB 10/14/2007
- New approaches to researching public opinion 11/2007
- Une nouvelle forme d’enquête d’opinion est expérimentée au Parlement européen Le Monde 10/2007
- Debate eases acceptance of EU reform (UK) Financial Times 10/2007
- Do you speak European? (Italy) Caffe’ Europa 11/2007
- Do you speak European? (English Translation) Caffe’ Europa 11/2007
- Ecco percheé è stato un esperimento straordinario: Conversazione con James Fishkin (Italy) Caffe’ Europa 11/2007 PDF
- “This is why it was an extraordinary experiment” A conversation with James Fishkin (English Translation), Caffe’ Europa, 11/2007
- lo,moderatore nel Parlamento di Babele (Italy) Caffe’ Europa 11/2007
- I, a moderator in the Parliment of Babel” (English Translation) Caffe’ Europa 11/2007
- Los europeos está dispuestos a sacrificarse para salvar sus pensiones (Spain) El País 10/2007
- Débat à l’échelle citoyenne (Belgium) La Libre 10/2007
- Premier sondage “délibératif” européen: le débat facilite la réform (France) Les Echos 10/2007
- EU-Konferenz: Und plöat;tzlich reden die Büat;rger (Germany) Die Tageszeitung 10/2007
- Europäat;ische Union: Der Gipfel der kleinen Leute (Germany) Der Spiegel 10/2007
- Europeus favoráveis a aumento da idade de reforma (Portugal) Expresso 10/2007
- La mayoría de europeos reticente a la entrada de Turquía en la UE (Spain) Terra 10/2007
- Ritorno al futuro e l’Europa si interroga (Italy) Zeus News 10/2007
- New EU treaty must be put to referendums EU Observer 10/2007
- Bulgarian Prime Minister Talks to EU Citizens (Bulgaria) The Sofia Echo 10/2007
- Government BY the people Seattle Times 10/2007 PDF
- Európania prehodnocovali v Bruseli svoje názory na EÚ (Slovakia) SME 10/2007
- Bulgarian News Report 10/2007
- Jan og Louise fa hul igennem til EU-lederne? (Denmark) Politiken 10/2007
- Eiropiesi pec diskusijam: skeptiskaki par ES paplasinasanos, gatavi pensioneties velak (Latvia) Latvijas Vestnesis 10/2007
- Citizens resist expansion of European Union, support later retirement, poll finds Stanford Report 10/2007 PDF
- Never mind the treaty squabbles. Europe’s real problem is Babel (UK) The Guardian 10/2007 PDF
- EU citizens to gather for Brussels brainstorm EUobserver 10/2007
- Polling that puts Europe in one room Stanford Report 10/2007 PDF